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Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is a technology critical to the successful management and completion of many projects. It integrates spatial data, software and hardware with skilled professionals, enabling the detailed analysis of opportunites, constraints and potential impacts at any scale. GIS has now become an invaluable tool for the management of complex environmental challenges and for the planning and daily management of project progress.

GIS can be used to perform a range of services from data capture through to analysis and visulisation, including:

  • Environmental mapping – flora and fauna surveys and mapping; GPS and GIS data capture; thematic mapping using ground-truthed data
  • Environmental risk, constraints mapping and ‘least cost’ analysis – use current and extensive datasets combined with project-specific data.
  • General cartography and designs – cross-section and profile plans; technical designs and maps tailored to complement professional reports.
  • GIS data manipulation and analysis – digitising, data conversation, rectification, transformation and projection; undertaking location, linear, area and volume analyses.
  • Predictive modelling – catchment modelling, slope and flooding risk analysis, noise and odour modelling.
  • 3D landscaping modelling – digital terrain models, contour generation and groundwater mapping, 3D rendering, conceptualisation and fly-throughs.
  • Remote sensing – thermal imaging for industrial areas, private households and environmental fluxes; multispectral imaging for broad-area surface analysis.
  • Aerial photography – full colour and hyperspectral in various resolutions; ancillary data including contours and building footprints.

In the construction/building industry, GIS technology can be used for water resource studies, water quality management, ecological and heritage survey analysis, contaminated land mapping, land capability assessments, offset planning and identification, transportation planning and infrastructure maintenance.

Acknowledgement: 360 Environmental Pty Ltd

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