Three builders under investigation
ABCC Commissioner, Nigel Hadgkiss, told the Senate last week the ABCC is investigating 3 builders to assess if they ought to be recommended to face sanctions under the 2016 federal Code. No details were provided about the identity of the builders or alleged circumstances.
Safety issues
The Federal Court last week reaffirmed the obligation of a union official seeking entry to site to investigate alleged safety issues to have both state and federal union right of entry permits. This follows an earlier decision in Victoria which found, incorrectly, the state right of entry provision was all that was needed to investigate a safety issue. The CFMEU(V) plans to appeal to the High Court but success seems unlikely given the strength of the decision.
Builders and sub-contractors at risk
The CFMEU national leadership has deferred changing its misguided policy not to amend non-Code compliant EBAs placing many builders and sub-contractors at risk of being denied federal construction jobs and denying construction workers, including union members, jobs. This decision shows how the union leadership has lost touch with its own members who need jobs to pay their bills whereas union officials get paid every week.
Former Union leaders
The last week has been poor for former union leaders with one jailed for 6 years for corruption in NSW and another being ordered to pay $175,000 in costs by the Federal Court. He will have $208.88 deducted fortnightly from his wages by his employer, run by his wife, which is a labour hire outfit sourcing 457 visa workers.
Security Payments Laws Survey
As part of the review of Security Payments Laws in the building and construction industry, the Department of Employment has engaged AMR Interactive Pty Ltd (AMR) to conduct a cross-sectional survey of contractors and subcontractors. Completion of this survey will inform and assist the Review in gaining the views and experiences of contractors and subcontractors with Security of Payments laws. To take the survey click here.