Standards Australia Review
Members are advised AS/NZS 4994.4 – Temporary edge protection Part 4: Perimeter Protection Screens is currently under review by Standards Australia. A revised draft of the standard can be viewed here. Public comment can be made here by COB on Friday, September 29.
Seeking Member Feedback
The Public Comment Draft of NCC 2016 Volume One Amendment 1 was released this week. This amendment is a result of a Building Ministers’ direction to the ABCB to expedite actions involving changes to the NCC from the comprehensive package of measures for fire safety in high rise buildings that was developed following the Lacrosse Apartments fire in Melbourne. Those with an interest in providing comment are encouraged to do so by completing an online response form by September 10.
Stakeholder Comment Invited
The Australian Building Codes Board is seeking comment from stakeholders on the proposal to create a single set of Governing Requirements for NCC 2019. The project involves standardising Section A of Volumes One and Three and Section 1 of Volume Two. Feedback on the proposed Governing Requirements is now open and is as easy as completing this short survey. Feedback closes September 3.
Improving WaterMark and CodeMark certification
August 1 marked the date from which progressive implementation of the improved product certification schemes for WaterMark and CodeMark Australia commenced. It is important to note the existing WaterMark and CodeMark Scheme Rules remain current in whole or in part until progressive implementation of the improved schemes has been completed. Further information regarding the schemes and their implementation is available from the Product Certification tab on the ABCB website.