Union right of entry update
The Federal Court last week rejected a CFMEU (WA) application on union right of entry. The union failed to convince the court that it can exercise right of entry before work commences for the day. This means the CFMEU can only exercise right of entry at the usual meal breaks during working hours.
State Labor Conference news
Premier Mark McGowan announced at last weekend’s State Labor Conference that his Government is close to introducing legislation requiring employers to submit local employment plans as part of bidding for WA Government projects. Such legislation cannot breach Australia’s international trading agreements, meaning it will likely focus on best endeavours. Master Builders is awaiting details regarding the legislation.
Industrial Relations cases deferred
The High Court has deferred two important industrial relations cases. This includes one by the ABCC arguing that union officials should be personally held liable to pay penalties imposed on them by courts for unlawful conduct as an official.