Paving – Other Information
Efflorescence – Do not be alarmed A white deposit known as efflorence may sometimes appear on any concrete or masonry product. It does not affect structural integrity and will dissipate over time. Efflorence is not indicative of a flawed product. Efflorence is a temporary condition where salts in the soil migrate via evaporation to the […]
Stairs in and around homes Good stair construction is essential for safe access and movement in and around your home. The Building Code of Australia (BCA) sets the minimum standard for stair construction. Stairs must fall (pardon the pun) within a regulated slope gradient depending on the distance between riser and the depth of the […]
Storage in Homes
It is only when you have lived in a home with no storage that you appreciate how important it is to have. These days, most new home builders and designers are very good at including built in robes, linen cupboards, and sufficient cabinetry in bathrooms, laundries and kitchens. They know how much emphasis is placed […]
Retaining Walls on Boundaries
Retaining walls are not dividing fences and are subject to different legislative requirements. When installing retaining walls along boundaries, they must be wholly constructed inside the property – unless you have you consent of the adjoining landowner. It is a good idea to have the boundary line pegged by a licensed land surveyor to be […]
Smart Planning Your Home and Garden
Smart planning your garden With smart palnning your garden can help control the temperature of your home. Plants and trees moderate temperature, keeping your hosue cool in summer, and sheltering it from the cold in winter. By choosing deciduous trees that shed leaves in autumn, you can still let in the warmth of the winter […]
Narrow Lot Development
The move toward urban consolidation and home owners subdividing their existing properties has meant that more new home buyers are building on small narrow blocks. There is also a general trend to build larger 2 storey homes on smaller land areas. Houses are getting bigger, but blocks are getting smaller. There are a number […]
Owner Building
If you are considering building your own home, excluding some of the finishing work from your building contract, or renovating your existing home, you will need to apply to the Building Commission of Western Australia. All of the owners of the land must apply, and at least one applicant must provide evidence that he/she has […]
Garden Design
With smart planning your garden can help control the temperature of your home. Plants and trees moderate temperature, keeping your house cool in summer, and sheltering it from the cold in winter. By choosing deciduous trees that shed leaves, you can still let in the warmth of the winter sun in autumn. Minimise lawn area, […]
Insuring Your Home
The insured value of many properties is well below their current replacement costs. Many homeowners have renovated or extended their properties without increasing the sum insured, and construction costs have escalated. For insurance purposes, it is suggested that homeowners at least apply a rule of thumb of between $1000 to $1100 per square metre for […]
Liveable Homes
Liveable Homes: Resource for designing new homes A resource has been developed to support designers and builders improve the adaptability and accessibility of new housing designs. Our population is ageing, and the number of people with disability is also on the increase. The ‘Livable Homes’ resources have been developed by the Disability Services Commission with […]