Skilled Migration
MIGRATION INFORMATION FOR MASTER BUILDERS MEMBERS Through an agreement with the Department of immigration and Citizenship, Master Builders members can contact an officer of the department who can provide information to members on skilled migration visa issues*. The officer is able to provide ‘in-principle’ advice and information to employers who are seeking to employ overseas […]
Traineeship Information
What is a Traineeship? Traineeships are jobs that combine paid work and structured training. They include: paid employment under an appropriate industrial arrangement (for example, an award or enterprise agreement) nationally recognised training. A trainee enters into a formal training contract (Indenture) with his/her employer for the duration of the traineeship. When a trainee successfully […]
Underage Workers
The current and on-going labour shortages have given rise to some unexpected risks for employers, including those in the building industry, in employing young employees. The Children and Community Services Act prohibits an employer from employing a young person under 15 years of age save for certain limited occupations such as working in delivering local […]
Winter Construction
Construction in winter poses challenges for clients and builders. The first consideration is that inclement weather could delay the project. Most building contracts entitle the builder to claim time extension for delays due to inclement weather. In the contract there is usually a process whereby the builder must notify the client within a certain period […]
Unfair Dismissal
The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act) increases the protection for employees who have been unfairly dismissed. Who can make an unfair dismissal claim? A person can make an unfair dismissal claim if they have: completed the minimum employment period; and are covered by a modern award (or award-based transitional instrument) or an enterprise […]
Skilled Migration
Please click here for more information
Redundancy in construction
All Construction Contractors in the general building and construction industry need to be aware of the federal “Building and Construction General On-site Award 2020” which covers employees working on-site. This includes any construction, alteration, extension, repair, maintenance, demolition, or dismantling of buildings that form part of land. Visit the Fair Work website for full details on the Award. The “redundancy” clause […]
Safety Awareness Training
Some of the areas that will be covered in the course are: · Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Law · Duty of Care requirements · Safety and Health Representatives and Committees · Resolution of Workplace Issues · The Right to Refuse Work · Applying Workplace Policies and Procedures · Reporting and Documentation Requirements How much […]
Home-based Businesses
About 1 in every 4 home businesses employs at least 1 person. Most new homes are not designed for the home business, although increasingly provision is being made for a home – office in many new home designs. Your new house design will be an important part of keeping your sanity and a smoothly running […]
Preliminary Agreements
A Preliminary Agreement (PA), or Preparation of Plans Agreement, is a common document used by builders dealing with clients in the early stages of building a new home. These agreements do not involve building work and are preparatory to entering a building contract. Some common features are: the consumer is committed to paying a “deposit”, […]