Swimming Pool Requirements
As summer quickly approaches, you might be considering installing a new swimming pool or spa. Due to the statistics on child drownings in domestic pools, there are strict requirements pool owners must meet to ensure the safety of their pool. Fines of up to $5000 can result from not providing an adequate swimming pool safety […]
Patios and Sheds
There are many contractors who earn their livelihood building small sheds, pergolas, patios etc and perform quite well. One area that you should carefully note is that under the Builders’ Registration Act any project valued at over $20k requires the services of a registered builder. Handypersons who advertise in community newspapers are therefore restricted in […]
Swimming Pool Construction
Swimming pools are extremely popular and come within the definition of “home building work” in the Home Building Contracts Act (1991). This legislation covers issues such as maximum deposit payable (6½ per cent of contract value), progress claim payments and so on. There are several construction issues to consider. When a swimming pool is constructed […]
Landscape Designers
Hiring a Landscape Designer is a sound initiative. You wouldn’t consider building your home without a plan, yet many people take a very hap-hazard approach to the creation of their garden. Mistakes and scrimping on costs in the early stages may mean expensive work in rectifying mistakes and getting it right later on. Fortunately, we […]
Pool Fencing
As Summer quickly approaches, you might be considering installing a new swimming pool or spa. Due to the statistics on child drownings in domestic pools, there are strict requirements pool owners must meet to ensure the safety of their pool. Fines of up to $5000 can result from not providing an adequate swimming pool safety […]
Landscape Contractors
With the garden designed you are now ready for the service of an experienced and qualified landscape contractor. Contractors will implement your garden design, taking care of the earthworks, contouring, soil improvement, paving, building pergolas, retaining walls, installing water features, lighting, drainage, reticulation and stonework. They will also select and plant the trees and shrubs […]
Pool Construction
Property owners have a lot of choices when locating and running a pool. And lots of home owners are still installing pools to cool off in during our hot WA summers, even while block sizes are falling. Pools can be set above or below the ground. Above ground pools can be cheaper […]
Pool Barriers
If you are thinking about swimming pool for your home you must consider the barrier requirements. The requirements are applicable to temporary or permanent pools or spas that hold more than 30cm of water for the purposes of swimming, wading or the like – so not applicable to a dam, fish pond or water feature. […]
Pool and Spa Safety Barriers
With hot weather across the state, pools are a hot topic. Most people would be aware that an approval is required to install a swimming pool. Concrete, fibre-glass, or liner pools all need approval, as well as above-ground and temporary pools. The reason for the need for a Building Permit for swimming pools is not […]
Pool Maintenance
Pools will require circulation, filtering and measures to control algae and fungal growths. As a pool owner, you will need to find out how this all works to make sure you don’t end up with an infected green pond in your backyard! There are a number of different systems available for pools now including […]