6 Jun 2013 |Paving – Other Information
Efflorescence – Do not be alarmed A white deposit known as efflorence may sometimes appear on any concrete or masonry product. It does not affect structural integrity and will dissipate over time. Efflorence is not indicative of a flawed product. Efflorence is a temporary condition where salts in the soil migrate via evaporation to the […]
6 Jun 2013 |Solar Systems Installed in Australia
Residential 1kW systems are most common at the moment due to the Federal Government Rebate funding up to a maximum of a 1000 watt (1kW) system. A lot of customers are installing 2 or 3 kW inverters in their systems however so that they can add additional capacity in the future as power get […]
6 Jun 2013 |Home Security Systems
Home security systems are becoming cheaper, much easier to use and more accessible from wherever you are thanks to improving technology, says Daniel Lee from Master Builders. There are many different systems to choose from and many experienced and approved providers that will select, install, monitor and maintain your system. You can have a […]
6 Jun 2013 |Home Maintenance
When we purchase a new car, we know we can save money and reduce its depreciation by keeping up with servicing and maintenance. As part of vehicle servicing, the mechanic checks things like fuses and seatbelts to ensure they are safe. But what about our homes – our biggest investment? What sort of maintenance and […]
6 Jun 2013 |Illegal Workers
Federal legislation was introduced in early 2007 applying heavy fines and jail terms for employers who knowingly employ illegal workers. Reports have indicated that some 46,000 people overstayed their visa in 2005 with many over staying their visa working illegally and that many visa holders work in breach of their visa obligations. Employers who […]
6 Jun 2013 |Insulation – Downlights
Special provisions apply for the installation of insulation near downlights. Where this occurs, it can increase fire risk if there is insufficient clearance and air ventilation around electric lights and fittings. As a result of these concerns, Standards Australia has issued rules which require a clearance of 200mm around lamps and transformers. Any combustible building […]
6 Jun 2013 |Liveable Homes
Liveable Homes: Resource for designing new homes A resource has been developed to support designers and builders improve the adaptability and accessibility of new housing designs. Our population is ageing, and the number of people with disability is also on the increase. The ‘Livable Homes’ resources have been developed by the Disability Services Commission with […]
6 Jun 2013 |Moisture Penetration of Walls / Damp-Proofing
Dampness on internal walls may be caused by: Condensation (kitchen, laundry, bathroom — improve ventilation by opening external doors or windows); Water penetration from above; Penetration across the wall cavity (accidental bridging of the cavity by mortar droppings or by an incorrectly installed wall tie or inadequate flashing around a window or door — difficult […]
6 Jun 2013 |Noise
Starting times must comply with local government by-laws which dictate the hours within which on-site work can take place. You should consult the building department of your local authority for the relevant requirements. Compliance with these by-laws is a condition on which the building licence is issued to the builder. Once you have discovered the […]
6 Jun 2013 |Fire and Your Property
A combination of dry winters and hot summer days can make our bush extremely dangerous, especially in summer. While it is impossible to completely fireproof your home, there are a number of things that you can design into your house and garden to reduce risk. Fire safety can be improved by preventing wind borne burning […]
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