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  1. | 26 Jul 2013

    ABIC BW.SC-1 User Guide

    A practice note for general guidance in understanding ABIC BW.SC-1 Basic Works subcontract

  1. | 6 Jun 2013


    Tilers are not a Registered or licensed trade in Western Australia. Registration or Licensing is only required for builders, electricians, plumbers and painters. Tilers can obtain formal qualifications through TAFE, but many would have learned their skills “on the job” rather than be formally trained. There is a Ceramic Tilers Association to which some tillers […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Thermal Mass

    Thermal mass is often talked about as vital for good passive-solar design. Thermal mass in WA is easier to provide that you think, purely due to the materials we prefer to build with. The installation of concrete floors and brick walls provides the thermal mass of our buildings. We must make sure that it works […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013


    Window considerations are often underrated by homebuyers when they are planning to build their new home. However with a little pre-planning and thought, correct window selection for your needs can occur. The correct size and shape of windows is important to maximise the energy efficiency of your new home and reduce your energy bills. The […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Roof Sarking

    Roof sarking is a membrane that is fitted during tile or metal roof construction. The flexible membrane is usually installed under the battens to provide thermal insulation and to prevent water and dust penetration in the roof space. In bushfire prone areas flying embers cannot enter this space through the roof due to sarking protection. […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Site Works and Contracts

    Site costs can be a difficult element of a building contract. In most situations, builders will not specify an exact amount for site works, but will nominate a “provisional sum” or best estimate which may be adjusted up or down depending on work actually required. Under the Home Building Contracts Act a builder cannot just […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Storm Season – Simple Strategies

    Simple strategies for the arrival of the storm season The official ‘storm season’ runs from May to October in southern WA. There is no substitute for preparation, and there is plenty that can be done to protect your home in advance. This can save you a lot of time, hassle cost in the long run if […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Paving – Other Information

    Efflorescence – Do not be alarmed A white deposit known as efflorence may sometimes appear on any concrete or masonry product. It does not affect structural integrity and will dissipate over time. Efflorence is not indicative of a flawed product. Efflorence is a temporary condition where salts in the soil migrate via evaporation to the […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Solar Systems Installed in Australia

    Residential 1kW systems are most common at the moment due to the Federal Government Rebate funding up to a maximum of a 1000 watt (1kW) system.   A lot of customers are installing 2 or 3 kW inverters in their systems however so that they can add additional capacity in the future as power get […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Fire and Your Property

    A combination of dry winters and hot summer days can make our bush extremely dangerous, especially in summer. While it is impossible to completely fireproof your home, there are a number of things that you can design into your house and garden to reduce risk. Fire safety can be improved by preventing wind borne burning […]