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  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Pool Construction

    Property owners have a lot of choices when locating and running a pool.   And lots of home owners are still installing pools to cool off in during our hot WA summers, even while block sizes are falling.   Pools can be set above or below the ground.    Above ground pools can be cheaper […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013


    Starting times must comply with local government by-laws which dictate the hours within which on-site work can take place. You should consult the building department of your local authority for the relevant requirements. Compliance with these by-laws is a condition on which the building licence is issued to the builder. Once you have discovered the […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013


    Giving your home a fresh coat of paint not only freshens and updates the look of your home, it also maintains the surfaces like exposed timber (veranda posts, timber windows and doors), metal and wall finishes externally and internally. Many people opt to DIY, but it you are looking to have painting work done by […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Landscape Designers

    Hiring a Landscape Designer is a sound initiative. You wouldn’t consider building your home without a plan, yet many people take a very hap-hazard approach to the creation of their garden. Mistakes and scrimping on costs in the early stages may mean expensive work in rectifying mistakes and getting it right later on. Fortunately, we […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Environmental Due Diligence

    Environmental Due Diligence is a key tool in managing risks prior to, or at the outset of projects. Key legislation, as it applies to the industry, includes the Environmental Protection Act 1986, Town Planning and Development Act 2005 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. An environmental due diligence assessment defines opportunities and […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013


    Condensation is at its maximum in new homes. When homes are built many gallons of water go into materials such as concrete, plaster, wallpaper, tile work and even some types of paint. This water evaporates; which explains the reason for a higher moisture content than usual in new homes. To aid the drying out process […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Construction Times

    While many contracts specify a definite time period in terms of “x” number of calendar or working days (which exclude weekends and public holidays), some contracts do not and this space is left blank. This does not mean that the builder has an infinite amount of time to complete the project. Courts have ruled on […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Cubby Houses

    Although most Local Governments take a relaxed approach to the humble cubby house when it comes to requiring approvals, it is important that before you consider investing time and money that you ring your local government or visit their website as they may have information regarding their policy or requirements before their installation.   Building […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Electricity Planning

    Good electrical design and fitout is often underrated in its importance to the ”liveability” of your new home. Like most things planning is important. An omission during the construction stage can be much more expensive to rectify after your house is completed particularly if you have restricted roof cavity space. Some questions to consider include: […]