6 Jun 2013 |Environmental Due Diligence
Environmental Due Diligence is a key tool in managing risks prior to, or at the outset of projects. Key legislation, as it applies to the industry, includes the Environmental Protection Act 1986, Town Planning and Development Act 2005 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. An environmental due diligence assessment defines opportunities and […]
6 Jun 2013 |Earthworks
Risk of Owner Earthworks Some home owners take on the task of organizing the earthworks and their certification themselves, rather than the builder charging for the responsibility. The aim of this is often to reduce building costs, removing these works from the contract with the builder. This in theory sounds fine, until you […]
6 Jun 2013 |Apprentices: Hiring
Master Builders believes it is in the interests of builders and subcontractors to invest in our industry’s future by taking on and training apprentices. A Master Builders publication is available to as an easy guide to the requirements for employing an apprentice for either a part or the whole of their apprenticeship. Your Investment for […]
6 Jun 2013 |Apprenticeship Information
What is an Apprenticeship? Apprenticeships are jobs that combine paid work and structured training. They include: paid employment under an appropriate industrial arrangement (for example, an award or enterprise agreement) nationally recognised training. An apprentice enters into a formal training contract (Indenture) with his/her employer for the duration of the traineeship. When an apprentice successfully […]
6 Jun 2013 |Bathroom – Minimum Distances
You will need to establish the minimum requirements for space around your bathroom: Allow at least 600mm in front of the toilet and approximately 200mm either side of the bowl for elbowroom. 700mm should be allowed between the front of the basin and the nearest wall or object. Power points should be located at […]
6 Jun 2013 |Block Orientation
Build to last The direction each room faces within your home makes a huge difference to your comfort and your home’s running costs. Design your home around the points of a compass: North Maximise this space. The sun’s position in summer and winter means north facing rooms remain at a comfortable temperature all year – […]
South West: Granny flat reform passed
The State Government has announced new planning reforms that allow homeowners to rent out backyard ‘granny flats’ or built above garages
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