6 Jun 2013 |Termites and Building a New Home
Termites and building a new home Before construction commences it is advisable that discussion takes place between the builder and the owner. The selection of a termite barrier system should not be based merely on price. Other considerations such as the topography of the site, known risk factors of the area and construction techniques must […]
6 Jun 2013 |Renovation Costs
We already know that kitchens, bathrooms and laundries are the most expensive parts of a home to add or update, but the cost of renovating can quickly add up even when it is a simple extra bedroom or games room at the back. New homes have fewer complications to overcome, and builders generally start […]
6 Jun 2013 |Renovation Planning
Once the decision to extend has been made, it is a good idea, if you are relatively new to the house, to live in the existing home as it is for a period to get the feel of the place, which will help you greatly with your plans. It is vitally important not to inhibit […]
6 Jun 2013 |Rise and Fall Clause
In times of volatile building costs, builders will look at ways of reducing the risk of signing “fixed price” contracts with clients, contracts which leave the builders bearing the total burden of fluctuating costs over the construction period. In the last boom, massive increases and fluctuations in the price of roof tiles, steel and copper […]
6 Jun 2013 |Roof Sarking
Roof sarking is a membrane that is fitted during tile or metal roof construction. The flexible membrane is usually installed under the battens to provide thermal insulation and to prevent water and dust penetration in the roof space. In bushfire prone areas flying embers cannot enter this space through the roof due to sarking protection. […]
6 Jun 2013 |Safety Management Plan (Residential)
WorkSafe WA has introduced mandatory site-specific safety management plans for domestic construction as from 1 October 2008. Where five or more persons are working or are likely to be working simultaneously on a domestic construction site, you will need to have a site-specific occupational health and safety management plan prepared before work commences. The plan […]
6 Jun 2013 |Shared Equity Scheme
A shared equity arrangement is where two or more parties agree to co-purchase an asset, and share in any capital appreciation of that asset over time. The parties may agree on a 70/30 ownership or any other shared arrangement. The parties need to consider whether recurring expenses such as stamp duty rates and taxes and […]
6 Jun 2013 |Site Works and Contracts
Site costs can be a difficult element of a building contract. In most situations, builders will not specify an exact amount for site works, but will nominate a “provisional sum” or best estimate which may be adjusted up or down depending on work actually required. Under the Home Building Contracts Act a builder cannot just […]
6 Jun 2013 |Swimming Pool Construction
Swimming pools are extremely popular and come within the definition of “home building work” in the Home Building Contracts Act (1991). This legislation covers issues such as maximum deposit payable (6½ per cent of contract value), progress claim payments and so on. There are several construction issues to consider. When a swimming pool is constructed […]
6 Jun 2013 |Insulation – Downlights
Special provisions apply for the installation of insulation near downlights. Where this occurs, it can increase fire risk if there is insufficient clearance and air ventilation around electric lights and fittings. As a result of these concerns, Standards Australia has issued rules which require a clearance of 200mm around lamps and transformers. Any combustible building […]