6 Jun 2013 |Notice of Completion BA7
Notice of completion – click here to read the article Form BA7 pdf Form BA7 word
6 Jun 2013 |Financing a Renovation
The first thing to consider when you decide to renovate is exactly how you want to enhance your home. It seems obvious, but making sure you have a clearly defined vision from the start will minimise the risk of getting carried away and allow you to stick to a budget. Once you decide on what […]
6 Jun 2013 |First Home Buyers & Incentives
There is a lot of assistance available to first home buyers from Governments. It is worth spending some time to carefully investigate the rebates and assistance available to you. First Home Owner Grant The WA Government’s First Home Owner Grant currently offers $10,000 to first home owners who purchase or build a new home, the […]
6 Jun 2013 |BCA: Class 1a vs Class 2
Classification of a building is of paramount importance for the viability of a project. Getting it right from the start will ensure you are not over or under-specifying your buildings. Large developments are sometimes classified incorrectly as Class 2 based on the scale, instead of the actual definition of the buildings of the development. This […]
6 Jun 2013 |Concrete Cancer
Concrete cancer often occur in coastal areas where sea salt can cause unwelcome reactions in brickwork, mortar and concrete slabs. Efflorescence is a powdery white salt deposit that can form on cement-based products like bricks, mortar and sometimes concrete. It usually appears when dry, hot weather follows a period of cool wet weather. Evaporation of […]
6 Jun 2013 |Construction Costs
Construction costs have risen strongly in recent years and it is important that your building is accurately valued at replacement cost for insurance purposes. If you have not reviewed the “sum insured” on your home recently, then you should do so. To give you a general guide as to recent trends in building costs, you can […]
6 Jun 2013 |Defects Liability
Under many building contracts, you have a contractual right to have defects addressed. The contractual rights can be exercised by the property owner, but not usually by a third party. There are general entitlements under the Building Services (Complaint Resolution and Administration) Act 2011 that allows a person to make a complaint about defective building work. […]
6 Jun 2013 |Environmental Due Diligence
Environmental Due Diligence is a key tool in managing risks prior to, or at the outset of projects. Key legislation, as it applies to the industry, includes the Environmental Protection Act 1986, Town Planning and Development Act 2005 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. An environmental due diligence assessment defines opportunities and […]
6 Jun 2013 |Prefabricated Fencing
Prefabricated Fencing – New Innovation keeping with tradition When choosing a fence, builders and renovators need to consider the style of home they want to achieve and the purpose of the fence before being able to select the most suitable product on the market. Traditional fencing systems such as brick, timber or corrugated fences all […]
6 Jun 2013 |Financial Management
Construction companies need to carefully manage their business to address cash flow and other financial risks. There are a range of reasons why established businesses fail or suffer financial distress. These include a lack of adequate funding, a lack of an early warning reporting system, a failure to recruit quality personnel and a […]