6 Jun 2013 |Building Approvals Getting the Red Light!
As was expected, the introduction of the new Building Act has caused confusion and disruption to the approvals and the completion of buildings currently under construction. With all change, there is an adjustment period. Builders, architects, designers, building surveyors, Local Government, Water Corporation, and FESA are feeling pressure to adapt to the required changes, and […]
6 Jun 2013 |Building Inspections: Existing Homes
In general buyers should arrange the following inspections prior to purchasing an existing home: A building inspection: in order to check for structural problems. A pest inspection: in order to ensure the house is free of termites and pests. There are a number of precautionary steps that you can take to ensure that you are […]
6 Jun 2013 |Aged Residents and Housing
Designing and building housing for older people is becoming very important as the Australian population ages. Each year one in three every older Australians will suffer a fall, with around 5 to 10 per cent of these falls causing an injury which requires medical attention. Many of these falls around the home are preventable. Sensible […]
6 Jun 2013 |Appliances and Building Specifications
It is common for home buyers to do insufficient research on whether a builder’s standard specification is suited to their needs. Frustrated new home owners sometimes discover too late that their new garage is not wide enough or high enough for their 4 wheel drive (especially for multi-vehicle households), or that their fridge is too […]