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  1. | 6 Jun 2013


    Starting times must comply with local government by-laws which dictate the hours within which on-site work can take place. You should consult the building department of your local authority for the relevant requirements. Compliance with these by-laws is a condition on which the building licence is issued to the builder. Once you have discovered the […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Preventative Maintenance

    The regular repainting of timber, sealing of joints, keeping vents and pipes clear, etc. can prevent damage occurring to a property. For example: Make sure that exterior underfloor vents are not covered or clogged up; Check underfloor ventilation and for pests in the underfloor spaces; Check that water drains away from the house after heavy […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Profit Margins in Building

    There are many variables which need to be taken into account to comment on profit margins such as the size and type of project, the type of contract, the overheads/administrative structure of the builder, number of sales and other staff employed, the economic state of the industry, whether renovations or new housing and so on. […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Put and call options

    Property transactions using “put and call options” have been  common in the Eastern States and are used sparingly in WA. This arrangement can be useful to both a vendor and a purchaser in certain circumstances. Put and call options give the purchaser the right to enter a contract of sale for land within a specified […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Project Planning & Software

    One of the fundamental outcomes any construction company wants to achieve is an increased ability to take on additional work. With the correct enterprise resource planning system in place (see construction software [link to Construction Software article below*]), your company will know where it has improved productivity, where it has reduced its costs and, at […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Planning Approvals & Offsets

    When a proposal’s impacts on biodiversity and/or ecological function cannot be fully mitigated, an offset package could be considered to support developments to become ecologically sustainable. Environmental offsets or environmentally beneficial activites can be determined in conjuction with proactive mechanisms such as use of best practice environmental management to ensure impact avoidance is the primary […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Home Finishes

    Home finishes When you build or renovate, the finishing touches are the ones that make the house into a home, the personal choices made of the furniture, decorative pieces, the wall colours and floor finishes can make a stark space into a welcoming cosy room or a modern energising area. The dilemma is that there […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Pool Fencing

    As Summer quickly approaches, you might be considering installing a new swimming pool or spa. Due to the statistics on child drownings in domestic pools, there are strict requirements pool owners must meet to ensure the safety of their pool. Fines of up to $5000 can result from not providing an adequate swimming pool safety […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Insuring Your Home

    The insured value of many properties is well below their current replacement costs. Many homeowners have renovated or extended their properties without increasing the sum insured, and construction costs have escalated. For insurance purposes, it is suggested that homeowners at least apply a rule of thumb of between $1000 to $1100 per square metre for […]