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  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Redevelopment Authorities

    The WA Government has established a number of redevelopment authorities to expedite the development of land in WA. They operate by suspending local and state planning laws and introducing redevelopment schemes to govern development in a defined area. Current redevelopment authorities include: Armadale Redevelopment Authority The Armadale Redevelopment Authority (ARA) is tasked is to plan, […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Rainwater Tanks

    With downpipes placed strategically around a home you could collect about 80 per cent of rainwater from the roof area. The Water Corporation suggests that with a roof area of around 100 square metres and our recent average rainfall of around 750mm per year, you can collect over 80,000 litres of water, saving money and […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Renovation and other checks

    If you are uncertain as to the condition of the building’s foundations or the general soundness of the house, it may be worthwhile to call in an inspector or engineer for a professional opinion. You should find, however, that if you borrow funds for your extensions, the lender will have their own inspectors check that […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Smart Planning Your Home and Garden

    Smart planning your garden With smart palnning your garden can help control the temperature of your home. Plants and trees moderate temperature, keeping your hosue cool in summer, and sheltering it from the cold in winter. By choosing deciduous trees that shed leaves in autumn, you can still let in the warmth of the winter […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Shower Floors – Slope

    Tiling in Shower Recesses The minimum standard required for wet areas in residential buildings is contained in the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and AS3740 – Waterproofing of wet areas in residential buildings. This includes tiling and gradients of bathroom floors including shower recesses. The recommended ratio of fall within showers is between 1:60 and […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Skylights – Sizing for adequate light

    AS4285 – 2007 Size of Skylights  The table below refers to skylight sizes commonly available throughout Australia. For practical purposes this table shows them as applied to typical rooms in Australian residential buildings where the skylights are not the only natural source of light. This table is based on many years of industry experience. Other […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Skylights – Size of Skylights

    Sizing of a skylight is dependant on the level of illumination required. The table in ‘Size of Skylights,’ provides guidance for average installations under average related conditions. It also assumes that some other form of lighting, such as borrowed light from a window, contribute to the overall result in the living areas for a satisfactory […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Home Theatres

      For a number of years, it was difficult to get approval for theatre rooms if they were proposed without windows as they did not comply with the Building Code of Australia. After much lobbying by builders and designers, the Building Code has been adjusted to allow theatre rooms without windows, which is normally required […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Owner Building

    If you are considering building your own home, excluding some of the finishing work from your building contract, or renovating your existing home, you will need to apply to the Building Commission of Western Australia. All of the owners of the land must apply, and at least one applicant must provide evidence that he/she has […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Planning our Suburbs

    “The purpose of the R-Codes is to provide a comprehensive basis for the control, through local government, of residential development throughout Western Australia. They are intended to cover all requirements for development control purposes and to minimise the need for local government to introduce separate planning policies concerning residential development” (Planning WA website). So why […]