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  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Electricity Connections and Headworks Charges

    WA Electrical requirements provide for a standard supply up to: 63 Amps single phase (Perth and major towns) 32 Amps single phase (rural areas and small towns) 32 Amps per phase for multiphase (all areas) Consumer mains size of 35mm² (all areas) A large house with air-conditioning, pool and many appliances is likely to require […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Environmental Due Diligence

    Environmental Due Diligence is a key tool in managing risks prior to, or at the outset of projects. Key legislation, as it applies to the industry, includes the Environmental Protection Act 1986, Town Planning and Development Act 2005 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. An environmental due diligence assessment defines opportunities and […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Embodied Energy

    Buildings and energy use When we talk about a “sustainable building” we mainly focus on the energy it consumes and how the building can be designed to be more sustainable, but the design and construction of the building impacts the environment well before we occupy it when it is finished. Technical Adviser Romina De Santis […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Enterprise Resource Planning & Strategy

    A company’s strategy is key to achieving a competitive edge in the highly competitive Australian construction industry. Therefore making the most informed strategic decisions as fast as possible can be of utmost importance. Informed decisions however stem from having access to up to date and accurate information. Many companies may think they have this, however […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013


    Risk of Owner Earthworks   Some home owners take on the task of organizing the earthworks and their certification themselves, rather than the builder charging for the responsibility. The aim of this is often to reduce building costs, removing these works from the contract with the builder.   This in theory sounds fine, until you […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Tips: First Home Buyer

    First home buyer – tips Buying a first home can be a daunting experience. To make this process enjoyable, think about the following tips:   1.     Read the contract carefully Make sure that you understand all the terms and conditions. If not, ask!! 2.     Allow extra time for delays Despite the best intentions projects can run […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Fair Work Act Reforms

    Fair Work Act Reform – Overview: Master Builders has developed a range of resources to help builders understand the key requirements of the new workplace relations laws. Fact Sheets The Foundations of the Workplace Relations System Agreement Making Transfer of Business Right of Entry Dispute Resolution The National Employment Standards Record Keeping Unfair Dismissal Independent […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Prefabricated Fencing

    Prefabricated Fencing – New Innovation keeping with tradition When choosing a fence, builders and renovators need to consider the style of home they want to achieve and the purpose of the fence before being able to select the most suitable product on the market. Traditional fencing systems such as brick, timber or corrugated fences all […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Financial Management

    Construction companies need to carefully manage their business to address cash flow and other financial risks.   There are a range of reasons why established businesses fail or suffer financial distress.   These include a lack of adequate funding, a lack of an early warning reporting system, a failure to recruit quality personnel and a […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Financing a Renovation

    The first thing to consider when you decide to renovate is exactly how you want to enhance your home. It seems obvious, but making sure you have a clearly defined vision from the start will minimise the risk of getting carried away and allow you to stick to a budget. Once you decide on what […]