
Member Login

  1. Infrastructure WA

    Master Builders and several other kindred organisations are supportive of the McGowan government’s decision to establish an Infrastructure WA advisory group to advise it of long term infrastructure needs. Our joint submission will highlight how we believe this body should operate.

  2. Trade Credit Insurance – Are You Adequately Covered?

    Trade Credit Insurance is one mechanism you can use to protect your accounts receivable. Strategically, it can also help strengthen credit control by understanding more about the credit worthiness of your debtors. Click here to read a sobering article about the subject and contact MBA Insurance Services for more information about Trade Credit and other construction-related insurance.

  3. Bunbury Development Committee

    The McGowan government has established a Bunbury Development Committee to coordinate the Bunbury Waterfront, Withers central community area and Glen Iris redevelopment. Click here for more.

  4. Master Builders Health Alliance

    Our first Health Alliance meeting for 2018 was held today. Organisations comprising the Alliance include Mates in Construction, Holyoake, Sunsmart, Prostate Cancer Foundation, Healthier Workplaces, Perth Wellness Centre and Reflections Through Reality. A presentation on the dangers of synthetic drugs was provided by Sideffect.

  5. Geraldton Building & Home Renovation Expo

    Thanks to the many members who are supporting our Expo on Thursday 22 March. Email Di for details about how to become involved.

  6. Literacy & Numeracy Survey

    What do you think about your apprentices’ literacy and numeracy standards? Click here to tell us as we might be able to help improve the standards in future.

  7. HOME Editorial

    Click here to read the Director’s latest editorial in The Sunday Times HOME magazine on 11 February reporting on making provision for your pets when renovating your home.

  8. Registrations are Open for 2018 Mother’s Day Classic

    The Women in Super Mother’s Day Classic is gearing up to celebrate its 21st consecutive year. More than 1.2 million Australians have walked and run to raise $33.2 million for breast cancer research during this time. Click here to register.

  9. Waste Management & Recycling

    Master Builders will be making a submission to the Review of WA’s waste management and recycling strategy by the closing date of 1 March. Member feedback is invited. Please email Jason to share your views.