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  1. Draft Code of Conduct for FIFO Industry

    The WA Labor Government has issued a draft Code of Conduct for the FIFO industry about ways to manage mental health on FIFO jobs. The construction sector that’s not involved in FIFO work is not affected by the Code. Submissions are due by 19 April 2018.

  2. Jail Threats from Politicians

    The SA Government and NSW Labor Opposition have each said they will jail employers for non-payment of wages and other employee entitlements. Master Builders does not condone any employer conduct like that, but if Labor governments want to convert what are civil penalties to criminal ones, Master Builders also wants union officials who break industrial relations laws jailed as well.

  3. Federal Review of Work & Safety Laws

    The Federal Government has commenced a review of the Federal work health and safety laws. Submissions are due by 13 April 2018 and Master Builders Australia is making one.