Director’s Editorial
Click here to read the Director’s latest editorial in The Sunday Times HOME magazine. It explains how we can all help to reduce suicide in the building industry.
Nominations Open for Council Elections
Builder members are invited to nominate for election to Master Builders’ Housing or Construction Councils. Click here for an explanatory circular and Election Notice. Click here to nominate for Construction Council or here to nominate for Housing Council.
Fall through skylight results in fine for roofing company
A roofing company has been fined $70,000 (and ordered to pay costs of $1369) after a labourer was seriously injured when he fell through a skylight. Click here for details.
Apprentice of the Year and Ric New Awards
Book now so you can attend our Apprentice of the Year Awards at PCEC on November 3. This important event celebrates the best apprentices in our industry, as well as the Ric New Medal and Rising Star Award winners. Twelve outstanding nominees are Ric New finalists this year. In addition to honouring our young achievers, it’s a great chance to network with colleagues.
South West Entries are Open
Entries for the 2018 Master Builders-Bankwest South West Building Excellence Awards are now open. Residential and Commercial builders working in the South West can click here to enter their outstanding projects.
Contribute to Reddifund and reap rewards
Employers who contribute to Reddifund to meet their award obligations are also entitled to the benefits provided by the Mutual Benefits Fund. Click here for details and to find out how to subscribe.
South West Golf Day
Save the date for Master Builders-Bankwest South West Golf Day on October 27. It’s being held at the Mercure Sanctuary Golf Resort, 100 Old Coast Road, Bunbury. Contact our South West branch to register.
Cream of the crop
Congratulations to the winners of the 2017 Master Builders-Bankwest Building Excellence Awards for the Goldfields-Esperance region. Dixon Construction took out the Best Commercial Building and BD Partington won the 2017 Bankwest Best Country Home. Click here to view the full list of results. Thanks to all of our sponsors.
Leadership in Workplace Health and Wellbeing
Healthier Workplace WA invite you to attend their free Lunch ‘n’ Learn panel session for managers and health and wellbeing coordinators at City of Perth Library (and online) on October 4, from 12 noon to 1.30pm. This is a good opportunity to learn from other senior managers who work at organisations that have witnessed success in their workplace health and wellbeing programs. You can register to attend in person or via webinar.
South West Region’s 2017 Annual General Meeting
The 2017 AGM for the South West will be held on Wednesday 20 September, with arrivals from 3.30pm. The meeting commences at 4pm. The annual election of committee members and office bearers will take place at this event. Click here to download a nomination form.