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  1. Housing Affordability Update

    The Assistant Minister to the Treasurer, Michael Sukkar, introduced the first tranche of new legislation aimed at assisting housing affordability challenges throughout Australia. Primary inclusions being first home owner tax concessions through superannuation accounts, home deposits and tightening conditions and cost raising for foreign investors, plus measures for retirees downsizing without tax penalisation.

  2. Submission Submitted

    Master Builders has made a submission regarding the proposed NCC 2016 Volume One Amendment. Please note, the ABCB are drafting provisions for the 2019 NCC. It is expected that the draft will be available for public comment early next year.

  3. Talking Timber

    Timber Insight is hosting seminars in Perth and Busselton to discuss the use of timber in nature-connected design and the benefits of using wood as a primary architectural and engineered structural element. For more information contact Timber Insight on 9791 4599.

  4. Get a Handle on Doors

    Building Commission inspectors have taken a number of calls from building and painting contractors about the requirement to paint the top and bottom edge of all doors, regardless of their location. According to door manufacturers’ recommendations (Hume and Corinthian doors), the entire door, including the top and bottom edges, must be finished in the same paint system as the face and sides of the door. Failure to comply with this may void the warranty of the door and could likely be assessed as faulty and unsatisfactory painting work by the Building Commission.

  5. Home Indemnity Insurance Scheme

    Members are reminded of the pricing reform to the HII scheme. From October 2, large volume and multi-unit project builders will have to pay a premium increase to WA’s home indemnity insurance (HII) scheme. For further information, click here.