Giving your home a fresh coat of paint not only freshens and updates the look of your home, it also maintains the surfaces like exposed timber (veranda posts, timber windows and doors), metal and wall finishes externally and internally. Many people opt to DIY, but it you are looking to have painting work done by a professional, you should check the person is registered to undertake painting work.
Western Australia is experiencing a wave of legislative change for the building industry. One of the changes implemented since August 2011 is the abolition of the Painters’ Registration Board and replacement with the Building Services Board that includes the registration of painting contractors with the Building Commission.
If you are looking at having painting work done (and the value of work exceeds $1000.00), you should check your contractor is registered with the Building Commission. You can do this by visiting the website where all currently registered practitioners are listed. Their registration number should be displayed on their signage and in advertising material.
If you engage a registered painter directly and a dispute arises, you can lodge a complaint with the Building Commission.
Alternatively, if the painting work is included in your building contract then your builder will be responsible for the work carried out by the painter. In the event of a dispute, you may lodge a complaint with the Building Commission.
To check if a painter is registered and for further information, visit the Building Commission website:
The Building Commission supports the community through the regulation of building, painting and plumbing services in order to facilitate and promote an efficient and responsive building industry.
The role of the Building Commission includes licensing building service providers, investigating and prosecuting for offences against building laws, providing a dispute resolution service, setting standards and delivering policy and advice
I completed my registration course for painting about 15 years ago and never became registered i was woundering if i need to do it again to become registered
Hi Wayne,
Thank you for your inquiry.
I have passed your details on to Neil Du Rand, our Training Director at Master Builders who will be in touch with you regarding Builders Registration.
Master Builders
I had a painter who i have just found out not to be registered
has done a shoddy job worth $3670 I have only paid half
should i let him back in to try to fix it up
Hi Peter,
Thank you for contacting Master Builders.
The best thing to do would be to contact the Building Commission who will be able to help with your next steps in resolving your issue.
Their contact details are below;
Phone: 1300 489 099
Kind regards,
Master Builders
I’m a tradesman painter who sub-contracts to registered painters & am currently having payment issues with a registered painter. I was just wondering who/what would be the be the best avenue to pursue in regards to making a complaint with the MBA or somebody like that. I probably won’t end up getting the money i earnt, but i would hate for it to happen to another sub-contractor such as myself.