Cbus Super – Making super easy for your business
For almost 40 years Cbus Super has been passionate about maximising retirement outcomes for members of the building, construction and allied industries, and helping employers manage their business superannuation needs.
With over $85 billion1 in funds under management and over 910,000 members1, Cbus Super is one of Australia’s leading industry super funds, representing those that help shape Australia.
We are committed to working in the best interests of employers and workers in the sector by creating jobs in their industries and communities, and investing into projects and businesses that are important to them.
Cbus Super provides:
- A history of strong long term returns* and competitive fees for a stronger retirement.
- Insurance built for the industries we support, providing cover for jobs that other super funds may not.
- An Australian-based contact centre and accessible front counter and workplace-based member servicing.
- Easy administration and dedicated relationship management for your business – at transition and ongoing.
The super environment is ever-changing making it complex to navigate at times, which is why we are here to support and keep you informed about legislative or other industry changes so you can focus on what you do best – building your business.
Choosing a ‘default’ super fund for your business
All businesses need to choose a default super fund in order to make SG super contributions to employees who haven’t chosen to go with their own preferred super fund.
When a new employee begins working for your business, you’re required to provide them with a ‘choice form’ within 28 days from their start date. If they don’t choose their own preferred super fund, you’ll need to pay their super contributions to your nominated ‘default’ fund.
The super fund you nominate must be:
- a complying fund
- registered by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) to offer a MySuper product.
As a super fund that meets both requirements, Cbus Super can help make it easy for you to manage your employee super contributions through our online payment system.
If you’re interested in making Cbus Super the default super fund for your business or for more information about super, visit www.cbussuper.com.au or contact our local team:
Get in touch
Igor Zecic, Senior Employer Engagement Manager – 0457 546 842 or igor.zecic@cbussuper.com.au
James Moore, Senior Employer Engagement Manager – 0437 688 538 or james.moore@cbussuper.com.au
1 Information correct as at 30 June, 2023.
*Since inception in 1984 to 30 June 2023. The Growth (MySuper) investment option has delivered an average annual return of 8.89%.
Insurance is issued under a group policy with our insurer, TAL Life Limited ABN 70 050 109
450 AFSL 237848
This information is about Cbus Super. It doesn’t account for your specific needs. Please consider your financial position, objectives and requirements before making financial decisions. Read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination to decide if Cbus Super is right for you. Call 1300 361 784 or visit cbussuper.com.au
United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super).