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  1. | 12 Mar 2014

    RBW for Housing including multi-residential (Minimum purchase: 2 = 1 set)

    Residential Building Works Lump sum contract for housing projects, including multiple units, where the contract sum is more than $500,000 or more.   While not required to comply with the Home Building Contracts Act, this contract is similar to much of the HBW lump sum contract.   The contract is directly between builder and owner […]

  1. | 26 Jul 2013

    Home Buyers Construction Guide

    The Guide aims to inform new home buyers about common construction concerns such as plaster cracking, glass scratches and slab cracks, with advice on whether remedial action is necessary. It is an ideal complement to standard contract documents, dealing with expectations about levels of finish and construction standards to be achieved in new homes.

  1. | 17 Jun 2013


    Master Builders Partnership Opportunities Our partners are an integral part of the success of the Master Builders WA events and awards program, and we are proud of the long relationships we have maintained with our core Partner base over the years. If you’re interested in joining a stellar line-up of successful businesses that help us […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013


    Window considerations are often underrated by homebuyers when they are planning to build their new home. However with a little pre-planning and thought, correct window selection for your needs can occur. The correct size and shape of windows is important to maximise the energy efficiency of your new home and reduce your energy bills. The […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Renovation and other checks

    If you are uncertain as to the condition of the building’s foundations or the general soundness of the house, it may be worthwhile to call in an inspector or engineer for a professional opinion. You should find, however, that if you borrow funds for your extensions, the lender will have their own inspectors check that […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Security: Outdoor

    There are many things which can be done to make sure that your new or existing dwelling is as secure as possible. We will talk about security from the outside in, and what other measures can be taken to further enhance your family home’s security and safety. One thing that needs to be realized is […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Solar Systems Installed in Australia

    Residential 1kW systems are most common at the moment due to the Federal Government Rebate funding up to a maximum of a 1000 watt (1kW) system.   A lot of customers are installing 2 or 3 kW inverters in their systems however so that they can add additional capacity in the future as power get […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Skylights – Size of Skylights

    Sizing of a skylight is dependant on the level of illumination required. The table in ‘Size of Skylights,’ provides guidance for average installations under average related conditions. It also assumes that some other form of lighting, such as borrowed light from a window, contribute to the overall result in the living areas for a satisfactory […]