6 Jun 2013 |Stamp Duty
Stamp duty generally applies to the purchase of existing homes and land in WA. First home owner exemptions are available. For more information visit the Department of Treasury and Finance.
6 Jun 2013 |Smoke Alarms
Smoke Alarms – Are they all the same? Hard-wired smoke alarms (installed by a licensed electrical contractor to mains power) are compulsory in all new homes and new leases for rental properties since October 2009. They are required to be installed on the sale of an existing home if not already provided. They are a […]
6 Jun 2013 |Kitchen Benchtops
6 Jun 2013 |Storage in Homes
It is only when you have lived in a home with no storage that you appreciate how important it is to have. These days, most new home builders and designers are very good at including built in robes, linen cupboards, and sufficient cabinetry in bathrooms, laundries and kitchens. They know how much emphasis is placed […]
6 Jun 2013 |Termites and Building a New Home
Termites and building a new home Before construction commences it is advisable that discussion takes place between the builder and the owner. The selection of a termite barrier system should not be based merely on price. Other considerations such as the topography of the site, known risk factors of the area and construction techniques must […]
6 Jun 2013 |Smart Planning Your Home and Garden
Smart planning your garden With smart palnning your garden can help control the temperature of your home. Plants and trees moderate temperature, keeping your hosue cool in summer, and sheltering it from the cold in winter. By choosing deciduous trees that shed leaves in autumn, you can still let in the warmth of the winter […]
6 Jun 2013 |Storm Season – Simple Strategies
Simple strategies for the arrival of the storm season The official ‘storm season’ runs from May to October in southern WA. There is no substitute for preparation, and there is plenty that can be done to protect your home in advance. This can save you a lot of time, hassle cost in the long run if […]
6 Jun 2013 |Redundancy in construction
All Construction Contractors in the general building and construction industry need to be aware of the federal “Building and Construction General On-site Award 2020” which covers employees working on-site. This includes any construction, alteration, extension, repair, maintenance, demolition, or dismantling of buildings that form part of land. Visit the Fair Work website for full details on the Award. The “redundancy” clause […]
6 Jun 2013 |Shower Floors – Slope
Tiling in Shower Recesses The minimum standard required for wet areas in residential buildings is contained in the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and AS3740 – Waterproofing of wet areas in residential buildings. This includes tiling and gradients of bathroom floors including shower recesses. The recommended ratio of fall within showers is between 1:60 and […]
6 Jun 2013 |Recycling
Many building products can be recycled in Western Australia, some of which are listed below. Remember that this list does not reflect the ease of recycling material on every job. It is important for you to investigate the opportunities available for recycling in your local area and consider opportunities for recycling specifically for your project. […]