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A legal survey exists for all land (lots) in Western Australia. Survey plans are the official record of the legal boundaries of land and will usually indicate the dimensions and size of a lot. Three types of legal survey plans are available from the public register and copies can be purchased online from the Western Australian Land Information Authority, Landgate.

Survey plans give you:

  • lot size
  • property shape
  • dimensions of lots on the survey plan.

Strata plans may give you:

  • building sketch
  • lot sizes (areas but not always dimensions and angles)
  • title reference details (volume and folio)
  • unit entitlement and common property
  • notifications and encumbrances (lodged over common property only).

Survey-strata plans give you:

  • parcel sketch
  • lot sizes (areas and angles)
  • title number (volume and folio)
  • unit entitlement and common property
  • notifications and encumbrances (lodged over common property only).

Obtaining a copy of a Survey, Strata or Survey-strata plan is essential when you are deciding to buy a property or renovate. It is important to check whether there is anything noted on the plan that could affect your use and enjoyment of the property. You do not want to buy a property and discover you are unable to do what you want on it. Details of legal boundaries, common property ownership rights and encumbrances or amendments not noted on the Certificate of Title can all be found on plans.

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